Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Third of a Bucket...List.


It's been entirely too long since my last post, but I'm going to be mixing things up a bit in the coming months.  I am hijacking my design blog to post my list of 30 things to do before I turn 30 on July 7,  2012.  I will be calling this segment "A Third of a Bucket...List".  I'm getting a bit of a late start on this considering my birthday is in four months, but better late than never.  Following you'll see my list and on the next post the explanation of each item.  I'll cross off and date the items as I complete them along with photos and descriptions of the items in various stages of progress and completion.  Let the fun begin!

30 Before 30 or A Third of a Bucket...List

1. Join CrossFit
2. Get out of debt completely
3.  Buy myself a nice piece of jewelry
4.  Take a Bikram yoga class
5.  Go SCUBA diving Completed December 2011
6.  Buy a grown up sofa
7.  Come up with 30 great vegetarian/pescetarian recipes that I can make everyday
8.  Go to a shooting range and learn how to shoot
9.  Drive or do a ride-a-long in a race car
10. Try absinthe
11. Get my nephew to call me by my Auntie name “Essie”
12. Enter a design competition
13. Learn how to bake a great chocolate cake
14. Go hot air ballooning
15. Learn 100 words in Hebrew
16. Get acupuncture
17. Reach 150 followers on Pinterest and 2000 pins.
18. Take the Frank Lloyd Wright tour in Oak Park
19. Visit the Farnsworth House in Plano, IL
20. Take a flying trapeze class
21. Volunteer at "The Plant" 
22. Go to a Baha’i service
23. Watch ‘A Clockwork Orange’
24. Create a great bar set up-cart, booze, mixers, accessories
25. Milk a cow
26. Visit the Holocaust museum in Skokie
27. Eat an ostrich egg
28. Do WWOOF
29. Go to a MMA fight
30. Buy a lotto ticket once a week until my birthday


Jason Sweas said...

Milk a cow? and MMA? That's an odd combination on a to do list. Good luck finishing those, is your boyfriend on board with get engaged? If not, you should propose to your dog.

black dog said...

I should propose to Morris. I know he's not going anywhere, and he's a great snuggler.