Wednesday, March 21, 2012

In Touch With My Spiritual Side...Check!

I made it out to a lovely Baha'i New Year's devotional last night, along with my boyfriend and parents, who decided they wanted to explore their spiritual sides as well.  My Mom couldn't figure out how to get the whole temple in the photo, but I swear, it's back there.  I can report the following:

  • The temple is as beautiful as I remember it from going on a field trip there as a child.  I even told my Mother that it kind of reminded me of a fancy Scottsdale hotel.  The weather didn't hurt either.
  • The service was made up of an a capella choir and readings from members of the congregation.  There isn't a pastor/rabbi/priest and there aren't any sermons.
  • They don't accept donations/offerings from non-Baha'i folks like myself.
  • I am not a religious person, but I do find many of the tenants interesting like "the search for truth" and the emphasis on a world community.
  • I would like to learn more...

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